
Download Session 1 – The origin of Samuel – July 20, 2020 Special Topic 1 – The direction and value of humnan life for the yonge people today – July 20, 2020 Session 2 – The status of Samuel (1), a Nazarite – July 21, 2020 Special Topic 2 – How to live a life…

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Download Main Session 1 – Word of burden Part 1 – July 18, 2020 Main Session 2 – Word of Burden Part 2 – July 18, 2020 Special Topic 1 – How to fellowship, coordinate, and server in the church life of the one new man – July 18, 2020 Main Session 3 – The…

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Serving Ones – Main Topic 1 Serving Ones – Main Topic 2 Serving Ones – Main Topic 9 1994 Brother Lee’s Note and Word to the Trainees – Ref. CWWL, 1994-1997, Vol. 1. Pp. 29-38

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2020 Chinese-Speaking Perfecting Training

2020 Chinese-speaking Perfecting Training Serving Ones Training Download video, audio and outlines for each message. Video is only for registered trainees with password protected. Open Sessions Audio Video Outlines Students Training Download video, audio and outlines for each message. Video is only for registered trainees with password protected. Audio Video Outlines Brother Lee’s Video

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