2023 Chinese-speaking Saints Perfecting Training – Open Session

Subject: Series 1 - Message 5: The Application of the Interpretation of the New Jerusalem to the Seeking Believers - Its Supply

Time: Jul 30, 2023, LD. 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (PT)

2023 North America Chinese-speaking Saints Perfecting Training-A Word of Burden

2023/07/08 Chinese-speaking Brothers Fellowship during July Semiannual Training

Announcement of the 2023 "North America Chinese-speaking Saints’ Perfecting Training"

Time: July 26th (Wednesday afternoon)

to July 30th (Lord’s Day noon)

Location: Anaheim, California, USA

Registration: Deadline extended to July 19th

Brother Minoru's Fellowship on Prayer

Getting into the life study of the Bible

Maintaining the Nature of the Lord's Recovery Seen in the New Jerusalem

  1. The goal of the Lord's recovery is to consummate the New Jerusalem
  2. Looking at the church and applying the existence of the New Jerusalem to us (1) - divine, mysterious, organic, and unique
  3. Looking at the church and applying the existence of the New Jerusalem to us (2) - one, sanctified, pure, bride-belonging
  4. Looking at the church and applying the existence of the New Jerusalem to us (3) - heavenly, resurrectionly, new and ever-lasting
  5. Looking at the church and applying the existence of the New Jerusalem to us (4) - of life, of light, transformed, built, headed up under one head, glorious
  6. Reaching the Highest Point - to Live out and Work out the New Jerusalem

Perfecting unto Building Up

For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ.

Ephesians 4:12

The purpose of this website is to make available to the saints audio and video recordings of various conferences and trainings (with the exception of the annual International Chinese-speaking conference and other such events sponsored by Living Stream Ministry) conducted under the auspices of the North America Chinese-speaking work. May the word of the Lord run and be glorified, supplying and perfecting His members for their growth in life and development in spiritual function for the building up of the local churches and the Body of Christ.