Announcement of the 2024 North America Chinese-speaking Saints Perfecting Training

Announcement (2) and Registration Information of the 2024 North America Chinese-speaking Saints Perfecting Training

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Dear brothers and sisters,

The 2024 Chinese-speaking Perfecting Training hosted by the North America Chinese-speaking Work is specifically for the seeking saints in the churches to be perfected in truth, life, and service. The subject of this year's training is "Shepherding according to God." The training messages will be given on the West Coast in-person in Cerritos, CA from July 19 (Friday afternoon) to July 23 (Tuesday noon). The training will continue on the East Coast in person at Camp Penuel, NY from July 24 (Wednesday afternoon) to July 28 (Lord's day noon).

We encourage the saints among the churches to separate these 10 days to join the complete two continuous sessions of the training on the West and East coast.  We also strongly encourage the young and middle-age saints to attend the live in-person training; if unable to do so, the saints can register for the online training. The registration deadline is Lord's Day, June 30. All the saints must register online directly. Details can be found in the NA-CSW.ORG website.  Each locality should designate a coordinator for registration, payment, and other training related matters.  The designated registration coordinator must complete  Local Coordinator Form by Friday, June 7.

Registration:  The deadline is June 30. All the saints must register online directly. If there is no church in a given locality, please register with a nearby local church.

Training Donation:  $30 US (including the training handbook) for all registered trainees online or in-person. The saints should make direct payment to the training coordinator of your locality. After the registration deadline, the training will send an invoice to settle accounts with the churches.



West Coast, July 19, Friday afternoon to July 23, Tuesday noon : (must attend full time)
Location: The church in Cerritos meeting hall at 12061 Del Amo Blvd, Cerritos, CA 90703.
Lodging: Trainees from outside of Southern California may receive hospitality in the nearby homes of the saints. Trainees can also make their own arrangements in nearby hotels.
Meals: All the meals will be served at the Cerritos meeting hall.
Cost: $150 US (including meals but NOT including lodging). The total amount is to be paid directly to the local coordinator in each locality. Each locality should settle the account with the church in Cerritos.
East Coast, July 24, Wednesday afternoon to July 28, Lord’s Day noon: (must attend full time)
Location: Camp Penuel 288 Hickory Bush Road, Kingston, NY 12401
Lodging: The maximum capacity of the camp is 320. Trainees can also make their own accommodation arrangement in nearby hotels.
Meals: All the meals will be served at the camp.
Cost: Adult: $280 US, children under 12: $160 US (including meals and lodging). The total amount is to be paid directly to the local coordinator in each locality. Each locality should settle the account with Camp Penuel.


Meeting format: To be arranged and announced locally or regionally.


Training Related David Koo 714-726-8280
Keh-Shin Lii 951-333-2006
Benjamin Liu 909-992-2807
Jerry Chi 562-650-1168
Livinstone Wu 732-718-8793
Peter Yu 609-933-5098
Chia Ping Yu 510-364-2040
David Chou 714-350-2851
Wenchen Liu 919-395-1805
Southern CA East Valley Clement Chang 909-720-5208
Eric Yang 626-616-3063
West Valley Issac Kuo 626-246-5051
Inland Samuel Liu 909-618-4909
South County Gen Qu 520-245-4679
North County Alan Tsai 657-236-7066
Los Angeles Hongchang Lin 310-904-3483
South Bay Jerry Chi 562-650-1168
Northern CA Enoch Lin 510-449-9732
James Wang 408-507-2759
Joseph Wang 916-842-7012
Northwest Daniel Lim 206-919-4849
Michael Lu 206-696-2543
Mountain Minyi Hsu 480-272-3580
Huang Jenn-Hwa 602-384-6369
He Miao 480-265-7423
Central Midwest Livingstone Song 773-225-8515
South Central Richard Wang 972-693-5353
John Long 806-283-6443
East Northeast Henry Chang 617-331-2396
MidAtlantic Peter Yu 609-933-5098
Livingstone Wu 732-718-8793
Caleb Chen 732-754-5261
Canada Southeast David Dai 919-749-5450
West Wison Chern 604-617-2088
Peter Wang 604-773-4343
East James Kao 647-613-4720
Martin Zhang 524-716-2859
Pacific Daylight Saving Time PDT (Please adjust to each time zone accordingly )
Time/Date 7/19 FRI 7/20 SAT 7/21 LD 7/22 MON 7/23 TUE
7:30-8:00 am Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
8:00-8:20 am Personal MR Personal MR Personal MR Personal MR
8:20 - 8:45 am Corporate MR 8:20-9:00 am Lord's Table Corporate MR Corporate MR
9:00 am - 10:30 am Series 3 - Message 1 Series 3 - Message 2
(Open online meeting
with translation)
Series 3 - Message 3 Series 3 - Message 4
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Series 4 - Message 1 Series 4 - Message 2
(Open online meeting
with translation)
Series 4 - Message 3 Series 4 - Message 3
12:30-1:30 pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:30-3:30 pm Registration Rest Rest Rest
3:30-4:00 pm Personal Prayer Personal Prayer Personal Prayer
4:00 - 5:30 pm Series 1 - Message 1 Series 1 - Message 2 Series 1 - Message 3 Series 1 - Message 4
5:45-7:15 pm Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
7:30 - 9:00 pm Series 2 - Message 1 Series 2 - Message 2 Series 2 - Message 3 Series 2 - Message 4
Eastern Daylight Saving Time EDT(Please adjust to each time zone accordingly )
Time/Date 7/24 WED 7/25 THU 7/26 FRI 7/27 SAT 7/28 LD
7:00 - 8:00 am Personal/
Corporate MR
Corporate MR
Corporate MR
Corporate MR
8:00 - 8:45 am Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
9:00 am - 10:30 am Series 3 - Message 1 Series 3 - Message 2 Series 3 - Message 3 8:50-10:30 Series 3 -
Message 4 (Open meeting
online with translation)
10:20-11:00 LT
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Series 4 - Message 1 Series 4 - Message 2 Series 4 - Message 3 Series 4 - Message 4
(Open meeting online
with translation)
12:30-1:30 pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:30-3:30 pm Registration Rest Rest Rest
3:30-4:00 pm Personal Prayer Personal Prayer Personal Prayer
4:00 - 5:30 pm Series 1 - Message 1 Series 1 - Message 2 Series 1 - Message 3 Series 1 - Message 4
5:45-7:15 pm Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
7:30 - 9:00 pm Series 2 - Message 1 Series 2 - Message 2 Series 2 - Message 3 Series 2 - Message 4

We ask the churches and the saints to pray for the release of the burden of this training and for all aspects of service.

“For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ.”—Ephesians 4:12

The brothers serving in the North America Chinese-speaking Work

May 31, 2024

Announcement of the 2024 North America Chinese-speaking Saints Perfecting Training

May 1, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters,

The 2024 North America Chinese-speaking Summer Perfecting Training, sponsored by the North America Chinese-speaking Work, is designed specifically for saints in the churches who desire to be perfected in the areas of truth, life, and service.

The subject of this year's training is "Shepherding according to God." The training messages will be given on the West Coast in person in Cerritos, CA, from July 19 (Friday afternoon) to July 23 (Tuesday noon). The training will continue on the East Coast in person at Camp Penuel, NY, from July 24 (Wednesday afternoon) to July 28 (Lord's Day noon). We encourage the saints in the churches to sanctify this period of time to attend the in-person training in Cerritos and/or at Camp Penuel.

Registered participants can also attend the training via Zoom. The registration deadline is June 30, 2024. Details of the training will be posted on the website. Each locality should designate a person to coordinate the registration process.

We ask the churches and the saints to pray for the release of the burden of this training and for all the related services.

"For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ"—Ephesians 4:12.

The brothers serving in the North America Chinese-speaking Work