2022 Chinese-speaking Perfecting Training Announcements

Announcement of the 2022 North America Chinese-speaking Serving Ones Perfecting Training (4)

Dear responsible brothers,

As the epidemic situation may become more severe in recent days and during the summer, the serving brothers decided to suspend the on-site training in Anaheim after fellowship. However, all the saints in each locality are still encouraged to actively sign up and participate online or in groups arranged by each region. The main messages and schedule are still based on the West Coast time of the United States.

The North America Chinese-speaking Work (NA-CSW) is hosting this year’s  "Chinese-speaking Saints Perfecting Training". This training is specially designed for those saints who have a heart to serve in the churches and who would like to be perfected in the areas of truth, life and service. The subject of this training will be "The New Testament Priesthood" and the release of the messages and schedule of the training will be from 7/27 (Wednesday afternoon) to 7/31 (Lord’s day noon) based on the West Coast time zone. We encourage the saints from each locality to separate this time and participate online or in groups in various regions. The registration deadline is 7/20. Registration and payment are done by each locality. Please arrange a brother in each church to be responsible for registration, payment, etc., and fill out this form. Details can be found at na-csw.org.


Registration - Deadline 7/20

By RegionTo be coordinated and announced by each time zone

DonationOnline US $25


Region Area Contact Person Number Email
Training Related David Chou 714-350-2851 nascusa@gmail.com
Wenchen Liu 919-395-1805 therivercrosser@gmail.com
Southern CA East Valley Clement Chang 909-720-5208 clementc1@yahoo.com
West Valley Issac Kuo 626-246-5051 isaackuo@hotmail.com
Inland Samuel Liu 909-618-4909 chenshiliu@gmail.com
South County Edward Wang 949-922-4955 tehuawang@gmail.com
North County Raymond Teng 469-648-8381 rycteng@gmail.com
Los Angeles Hongchang Lin 310-904-3483 hongchanglin@yahoo.com
South Bay Jerry Chi 562-650-1168 jerrystchi@hotmail.com
Northen CA Wenchen Liu 919-395-1805 therivercrosser@gmail.com
Northwest Daniel Lim 206-919-4849 dulim52@gmail.com
Mountain Minyi Hsu 480-272-3580 Minyihsu1@gmail.com
Central Midwest Livingstone Song 773-225-8515 livingstonesoong@gmail.com
South Central Richard Wang 972-693-5353 rlw_1217@hotmail.com
John Long 806-283-6443 long3x4@gmail.com
East Northeast Henry Chang 617-331-2396 henrychang50@gmail.com
Mid Atlantic Peter Yu 609-933-5098 yuguixue@gmail.com
Livingstone Wu 732-718-8793 Fulin4141@gmail.com
Caleb Chen 732-754-5261 Calebychen@gmail.com
Southeast David Dai 919-749-5450 dadi.dai@gmail.com
Canada West Wilson Chern 604-617-2088 dmchern1@gmail.com
East_ James Kao 647-613-4720 bookforlife1984@gmail.com



Training in West Coast (PDT) Time Zone ( Adjust to each time zone accordingly )

Time / Date 7/27 WED 7/28 THU 7/29 FRI 7/30 SAT 7/31 LD
9:00-9:40 am Corporate Morning Revival Corporate Morning Revival Corporate Morning Revival Corporate Morning Revival
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Training Preparation Meeting Series 3 - Message 1 Series 3 - Message 2 Series 3 - Message 3 Series 3 - Message 4 Open Meeting with translations
1:00 - 2:30 pm Special Fellowship 1 Special Fellowship 2 Special Fellowship 3
4:00 - 6:00 pm Series 1 - Message 1 Series 1 - Message 2 Series 1 - Message 3 Series 1 - Message 4
7:00 - 9:00 pm Series 2 - Message 1 Series 2 - Message 2 Series 2 - Message 3 Series 2 - Message 4

We ask the churches and the saints to pray for the release of the burden of this training and for all aspects of service.


"For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ.”—Ephesians 4:12


The brothers serving in the North American Chinese-speaking Work

June 6, 2022